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Menù pag ologrammi

What is the Science of Holograms

After 26 years of practice and meditation, I developed the science of Holograms, i.e. the empathic visualisation of people's physical and emotional pain.

It is a very intuitive talent that allows me to see your inner conflicts, your Holograms, and feel them in my body.



The Holograms are like movies showing, in the form of life scenes and metaphors, the discomforts that triggered your physical problems.

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Inner conflicts



Such discomforts manifest themselves in the body as they find a conducive "ground" to grow, for example, an unbalanced psyche and emotionality.


The symptom is rooted

in a subconscious conflict, if I free the subconscious I also release the symptom;

No matter how severe this is apparently,

the work is always the same: on the emotional and on the subconscious conflict.


Spettacolo di ombre

How to release the pain?

Bringing your denied Shadow into the light is the most important thing to do.


The shadow should never be hidden nor rejected but welcomed, and a perfect tool for accomplishing this, is the Hologram.


You will then be the one to free yourself from physical-emotional suffering, melting away your pain.


There is absolutely no judgment in the observation of the Hologram, since l physically sense your pain, there will be my fullest understanding and compassion.


When you deny yourself a truth, it will be given back to you for your liberation, to let YOU set yourself free.

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Holograms' Reading

It is essential that I DO NOT KNOW in advance your physical problem or the situation you are experiencing.


For the consciousness to awaken, it must feel seen in its depth, without doubt or resistance from the mind.


Since I do not know your problem in advance confirms you are understood in your most hidden pains and hardships.


The Added Value of a Live Meeting



We are guests of many Holistic Centres all over Italy and Switzerland, So let's meet live! Find the closest city to you and contact our local coordinator.





Impara il Linguaggio dell'Anima al Corso di Evoluzione,

è Propedeutico all'Incontro Olografico

ed è vivamente Consigliato da Andrea per

Cominciare il Percorso Insieme. 

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Online Interview
Technical Instructions

On the day of booking you will receive an email with a Zoom link to click on.


Simply log in a few minutes earlier with the video active and click on "Connect" and choose "Wifi-Internet".


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